Kratom Disclaimer


The concentrations of mitragynine and other alkaloids in this kratom extract are significantly higher than those found in fresh kratom leaves, making this extract much more potent. Use caution and consult a doctor before use. Using Mitragyna Speciosa can pose risks, and negative health effects have been reported with kratom use. Some studies suggest serious side effects, including seizures, liver damage, withdrawal, addiction, abuse, and even death. For more information, refer to the FDA’s website and advisories. Only use this kratom extract if you have previously used non-extracted kratom without adverse effects. Avoid using this product for more than one day in succession and do not combine it with other kratom products. Mixing Mitragyna Speciosa extracts with medications, vitamins, nicotine, alcohol, or other substances may cause serious drug interactions. Failing to follow these guidelines could be dangerous. This product should not be used if you are pregnant, trying to conceive, or breastfeeding. Do not use this product if you have any blood disorders, liver or kidney disease, high blood pressure, heart conditions, central nervous system disorders, or any other health issues.

Do not use this product while operating vehicles or heavy machinery. If any side effects occur, contact a healthcare professional immediately.

Do not sell to minors. Keep out of reach of children.

This product is not intended for long-term or continuous use, including combinations with other kratom products. Use only as a botanical preparation.


This product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is considered unsuitable for consumption in the United States. By using this product, you assume all responsibility for its use, including any adverse effects or health complications. The manufacturer is not liable for any misuse or consequences of using this product.


Do not use this product if you have any severe medical conditions or are taking prescription medications. Avoid combining this product with prescription or over-the-counter medications, alcohol, vitamins, herbal supplements, nicotine, or other kratom products. Inform your doctor about any medications, supplements, or other kratom products you have used. Before using this product, consult with your healthcare provider to ensure it is safe for you, and discuss any potential drug interactions or complications. This disclaimer is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

Do not repackage or alter this product for retail sale.